Demos: (Duke Energy Hall A/B)
- M3FORCE: 5G mmWave RF Module, Ren-Jr Chen and Wen Chiang Chen, Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan.
- NCSU 28 GHz Channel Sounder, Ozgur Ozdemir and Ismail Guvenc.
- NIST’s Ray Tracing Based Channel Simulator
- 5G Millimeter-Wave Basestation, John Oates, Vandita Raikar, Steve Dorn, Analog Devices.
Recommended poster dimensions: 30″ x 40″ (or 40″ x 30″) or smaller. Please bring your physical posters – we will provide the easels.
Poster Session 1: 11:30am-12:30pm, 01/28/19 (Duke Energy Hall A/B)
- Leveraging Machine Learning To Enable Mobility and Enhance Reliability in mmWave Systems, Ahmed Alkhateeb, Arizona State University
- Cell Coverage in the Millimeter Wave Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Communications, Jingchao Bao, Husheng Li, and Dengfeng Sun, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville and Purdue University
- MillimeterWave Communications and Edge Computing for Next Generation Tetherless Mobile Virtual Reality, Jacob Chakareski and Petar Popovski, University of Alabama and Aalborg University
- Online Biologically Inspired Learning based Intelligent Multi-User mmWave MIMO Systems, Ming Feng and Hao Xu, University of Nevada, Reno
- Signals and Systems for mm-Wave Sensing, Anant Gupta and Upamanyu Madhow, University of California, Santa Barbara
- User Localization in MmWave Cells: A Non-Adaptive Quantitative Group Testing Approach based on Sparse Graph Codes, Anoosheh Heidarzadeh, Esmaeil Karimi, Fatemeh Kazemi, and Alex Sprintson, Texas A&M University
- 30 GHz Path Loss Measurement and Modeling for Airport Surface Areas, Mohanad Mohsen, Alexander Grant, and David W. Matolak, University of South Carolina
- Ray Tracing Investigation for Drone-assisted Out-of-Band Integrated Access and Backhaul Millimeter Wave Networks, Alberto Perez, Abdurrahman Fouda, and Ahmed S. Ibrahim, Florida International University
- Antenna Optimization in mmWave Mobile Scenarios through Machine Learning, Mattia Rebato, Paolo Testolina, Mattia Lecci, Michele Zorzi, Jonathan Gambini, Roberto Flamini, and Christian Mazzucco, University of Padova, Italy and HUAWEI Technologies, Milan, Italy
- Exploiting Short Wavelengths: Potential Application of 100-300GHz Carriers in Imaging and Massively Spatially Multiplexed Communications, Rodwell, UC Santa Barbara; A. Niknejad, UC Berkeley; H. Krishnaswamy, Columbia; D. Jena, A. Molnar, C. Studer, H. Xing, Cornell; D. Katabi, MIT; S. Rangan, NYU; A. Arbabian, Stanford; E. Alon, B. Nikolic, V. Stojanovic, UC Berkeley; S. Chowdhury, UC Davis; G. Rebeiz, UC San Diego; J. Buckwalter, U. Madhow, U. Mishra, S. Stemmer, UC Santa Barbara; A. Molisch, H. Hashemi, USC; K. O, UT Dallas
- Physical Layer Security for mmWave Drone Links with NOMA, Nadisanka Rupasinghe, Yavuz Yapici, Ismail Guvenc, Huaiyu Dai, and Arupjyoti Bhuyan, North Carolina State University and Idaho National Laboratory
- AMuSe: An Agile Multipath TCP Scheduler for Dual-Band 802.11ad/ac Wireless LANs, Swetank Kumar Saha, Shivang Aggarwal, Dimitrios Koutsonikolas, and Joerg Widmer, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York and IMDEA Neworks Institute, Madrid, Spain
- Stochastic 3D Beam Training for Low-Latency Services in Millimeter Wave Networks, Omid Semiari and Walid Saad, Georgia Southern University and Virginia Tech
- Towards Millimeter Wave Access Point Deployment and Novel Sensing Applications, Zhicheng Yang, and Prasant Mohapatra, University of California, Davis
Poster Session 2: 1:30am-2:30pm, 01/28/19 (Duke Energy Hall A/B)
- Opportunistic Routing in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks Using Millimeter Wave and Random Beamforming, Mustafa S. Aljumaily and Husheng Li, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville
- Investigation of Proximity Coupled Patch Antennas with a Universal Feed for Flexible mm-Wave Design, M. A. Boufarsan and J. Adams, North Carolina State University
- Effects of Solar Radio Emissions on Time-varying Impulse Response of Wireless Channels at 38 GHz, Steven Buck, Thomas J. Montano, and Ahmed Iyanda Sulyman, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Prescott, Arizona
- Fully-Digital 60 GHz Prototyping Platform, Aditya Dhananjay, Marco Mezzavilla, and Sundeep Rangan, New York University
- Toward Plug-and-Play Phased Array Systems Using Reusable, Extendable Platforms, Brian Floyd, Sandeep Hari, Tiantong Ren, Vikas Chauhan, Yi-Shin Yeh, and Charley Wilson, North Carolina State University
- mmW-SpICa: Reconfigurable millimeter-wave transceiver with wideband spatial interference cancellation, Deukhyoun Heo and Subhanshu Gupta, Washington State University
- Wideband Millimeter-Wave Open Experimentation Platform, Jesus Omar Lacruz, Diego Juara, and Joerg Widmer, IMDEA Networks Institute, Madrid, Spain
- Reducing ADC Count in Fully-Digital Arrays without Losing Degrees of Freedom, Arjuna Madanayake, Najath Akram, Viduneth Ariyarathna Soumyajit Mandal, and Ted Rappaport, Florida International University, Case Western Reserve University, and New York University
- End-to-End Performance of Integrated Access and Backhaul at Millimeter Waves, Michele Polese, Marco Giordani, and Michele Zorzi, University of Padova, Italy. Updated poster.
- X60: A Programmable Testbed for Wideband 60 GHz WLANs with Phased Arrays, Swetank Kumar Saha, Yasaman Ghasempour, Muhammad Kumail Haider, Josep Miquel Jornet, Edward Knightly, Dimitrios Koutsonikolas, Dimitris Pados, and Zhi Sun, The University at Buffalo, SUNY and Rice University
- Leveraging mmWave Imaging for NLoS Localization and Highly-Mobile Communications, Georgios C. Trichopoulos and Ahmed Alkhateeb, Arizona State University
- Immersive Content Delivery in Millimeter Wave Access Networks, Zongshen Wu, Chin-Ya Huang, and Parameswaran Ramanathan, University of Wisconsin, Madison and National Taiwan University of Science
- In-Band LOS Discovery in 3D Using Highly Directional 60+GHz Transceivers, Murat Yuksel and Mahmudur R. Khan, University of Central Florida and University of Alabama
- Enabling Robust Links in Dynamic Outdoor Millimeter Wave Networks, Masoud Zarifneshat, Michigan State University
Poster Session 3: 4:30am-5:30pm, 01/28/19 (Duke Energy Hall A/B)
- Towards All-Digital Massive MIMO: Designing around Nonlinearities, Mohammed Abdelghany, Ali Farid, Upamanyu Madhow, and Mark Rodwell, University of California, Santa Barbara
- Channel Estimation in mmWave Hybrid MIMO System via Off-Grid Dirichlet Kernels, Chethan Kumar Anjinappa, You Zhou, Yavuz Yapici, Dror Baron, and Ismail Guvenc, North Carolina State University
- Motion Aware Beam Tracking in Mobile Millimeter Wave Communications: A Data-Driven Approach, Jingchao Bao and Husheng Li, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville
- Intelligent Multi-User Millimeter-Wave MIMO Systems with Multiple Mobile Relays, Ming Feng and Hao Xu, University of Nevada, Reno
- Spatial Multiplexing in mmWave Wireless Networks, Yasaman Ghasempour and Edward Knightly, Rice University
- Achieving mmWave Beam Tracking Within 3GPP New Radio Release 15, Carlos Herranz, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain
- UAV-assisted Multi-path Routing for Millimeter Wave Networks, Mai A. Abdel-Malek, Nico Sapurto, Ahmed S. Ibrahim, and Kemal Akkaya, Florida International University
- Coded Energy-Efficient Beam-Alignment in Millimeter Wave Networks, Nicolo Michelusi and Muddassar Hussain, Purdue University
- A Radix-2 Algorithm For Forming N True-Time-Delay RF Beams at Complexity O(N logN), Sirani Perera, Arjuna Madanayake, Udara de Silva, and Viduneth Ariyarathna, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and The University of Akron
- Scalable and Accurate Channel Models for Analysis and Large-Scale Simulations at mmWaves, Michele Polese, Mattia Lecci, Paolo Testolina, and Michele Zorzi, University of Padova, Italy
- Compressive Initial Discovery, Synchronization and Beamforming Training in Millimeter-Wave Networks, Han Yan and Danijela Cabric. University of California, Los Angeles
- Interference Modeling and Scheduling with Joint Transmissions in Dense 60GHz mmWave WLANs mmW RCN Area: Wireless Networking, Ding Zhang, Panneer Se Santhalingam, and Parth Pathak, George Mason University
- Improving Google’s BBR for Reduced Latency and Increased Fairness, Menglei Zhang, Marco Mezzavilla, Sundeep Rangan, and Shivendra Panwar New York University
- Compressed Beam Alignment with Out-of-Band Assistance in Millimeter Wave Cellular Networks, Jie Zhao and Xin Wang, Stony Brook University
- Metasurface Based Reconfigurable Beamforming/Beam-steering for Sub-MilimeterWave and THz Communications, Xiaomin Meng and Maziar Nekovee, University of Sussex, UK