The second mmW RCN workshop was held on July 19-20, 2017 on the campus of the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
2nd Workshop Report (6 pages); Report with appendices (6 + 40 pages)
Parts of the workshop were live streamed: Live stream links; pics
UW CoE Mediasite Link with Videos
Agenda (Recommended poster dimensions: 30″ x 40″. Please bring your poster – we will provide easels.)
Logistics (including hotel information – room block cutoff June 25)
Required Registration Link: (registration link is closed now – please email akbar at if you would like to attend) for Non-White Paper and Non-Academic Participants ($100 for academic attendees, and $150 for non-academic attendees to cover the catering costs. Email akbar at if you are interested in presenting a demo/poster.)
Note: Attendees without white papers, especially from industry, are actively encouraged to attend. There is no registration cutoff for attendance without white papers, subject to availability of space.
Calling all mmW Prototype/Testbed Demos: We are issuing a special call for demos (or posters/videos showing demos) related to the theme of Breakout 3. We will be demoing ongoing mmW testbed developments at the UW-Madison and encourage everyone involved in mmW prototype and testbed development to attend and share your work. Industrial participants involved in mmW prototyping and technology development are particularly encouraged to register, attend, publicize and/or demo their technology and prototypes. Send us an email if you have questions about this prototype/testbed demoing call (akbar at
Important Deadlines:
April 3, 2017: one-page white paper submissionApril 17, 2017: notification of white paper selectionMay 8, 2017: workshop registration deadline (for accepted white papers)May 22, 2017 (May 26, 2017 latest): hotel (and air) reservation deadline (for reimbursed attendees)
Highlights and Themes
Keynote Speakers: We are delighted to announce that Dr. Ted Woodward from DARPA, who has managed the mmW 100G RF backbone program, has graciously agreed to serve as a keynote speaker. Dr. Boon Loong Ng from Samsung has graciously agreed to give a keynote on the ongoing 3GPP standardization efforts related to mmW.
White Papers and Posters: We had a strong set of submissions of white papers and the accepted authors have been notified. The list of white papers is posted on the agenda page.
Themes: Building on the discussions from the kickoff workshop and recent developments, we have converged on three main themes for the workshop, which will be reflected in the panels and breakouts:
1) Research and Technology Roadmap for RCN contributions at the interface of Hardware/Antennas (HW) and CSP (communication and signal processing)
2) Research and Technology Roadmap for RCN contributions at the interface of CSP and NET (networking)
3) Research and Technology Roadmap for Prototype and Testbed Development to facilitate testing and refinement of mmW technology.
Prototype/Testbed Demos: We have issued a special call (see above) for demos (or posters/videos showing demos) related to the Theme 3. We will be demoing ongoing mmW testbed developments at the UW-Madison and encourage everyone involved in mmW prototype and testbed development to attend and share your work. Industrial participants involved in mmW prototyping and technology development are particularly encouraged to register, attend, publicize and/or demo their technology and prototypes.
Background Information
The second RCN workshop will build on the momentum and excitement generated in the kickoff workshop in which the participants took stock of the current state of mmW wireless research and technology, identified the key elements of a technology roadmap, and generated several exciting ideas for cross-disciplinary collaborations across the three key areas: 1) CSP: communication and signal processing techniques; 2) HW: mmW hardware, circuits, and antennas, and digital hardware; and 3) NET: wireless networking protocols. The kickoff workshop report summarizes the key findings of the kickoff. Building on the feedback from the kickoff workshop, this workshop aims to focus on:
- Research ideas and demonstration concepts emphasizing cross-disciplinary approaches, especially across CSP-HW and CSP-NET areas, including new channel measurements and system models.
- Integration of channel models into system-level and network-level design and simulation.
- Efforts on prototype and testbed development (especially lower cost approaches) and demos.
- Research ideas and challenges for mmW wireless at frequencies above 40 GHz (40-300GHz).
- Synergistic approaches from other applications such as imaging and sensing.
- System- and network-level analysis of integrated fixed wireless, backhaul, and access networks.
- “Moonshot” problems to be addressed on a 5-year and 10-year timeframe with active academic-industrial collaboration.
Participation & White Papers: Prospective participants are invited to submit a one-page white paper outlining their research plans and demonstration concepts relevant to mmW wireless, including a brief description of their background in the area. The authors are encouraged to consult the report from the kickoff as well as the posters presented. Discussions relevant to the themes noted above are welcome. The white papers (pdf) should be emailed to mmwrcn at Postdoctoral and early-career researchers as well as researchers from under-represented groups are strongly encouraged. Limited funding is available to support the travel cost for academic researchers, including a few international participants, for selected white papers. Please indicate in your white paper if you will be unable to attend without travel support. Accepted white papers will be presented as posters/demos at the workshop. Attendees without white papers, especially from industry, are actively encouraged to attend, subject to space availability. Industry attendees are also encouraged to present demos relevant to mmW wireless.
Mailing list: If you are not on the RCN list, please send an email to join-mmwrcn at to get on the mailing list so that you receive further announcements about this workshop and beyond.