Day 1: Monday, Jan 28, 2019
8:00am-8:45am: Registration and Breakfast (Duke Energy Hall A/B)
8:45am-9am: Welcome and Opening Remarks (Duke Energy Hall C/D) slides
9:00am-10:30am: Panel 1: State of mmW Technology and Outlook: A View from Industry (Duke Energy Hall C/D)
Moderator: Ismail Guvenc slides
Panelists: Ozge Koymen (Qualcomm, slides), Carlos Cordeiro (Intel, slides), Kate Remley (NIST), Joonyoung Cho (Samsung, slides)
Industry updates and discussion on technology advances, use cases, business models, regulations, and standardization.
10:30am-11:00am: Keynote 1: Dr. Sanyogita Shamsunder, VP – 5G Ecosystems & Innovation, Verizon (Duke Energy Hall C/D)
11:00am-11:30am: Coffee Break (Duke Energy Hall A/B)
11:30am-12:30pm: Poster/Demo Session 1 (Duke Energy Hall A/B)
12:30pm-1:30pm: Lunch (Duke Energy Hall A/B)
1:30pm-2:30pm: Poster/Demo Session 2 (Duke Energy Hall A/B)
2:30pm-4:00pm: Breakout Sessions: Research and Technology Development Roadmap
Three Parallel Sessions
A. HW-CSP Interface: Hardware, Circuits, Antennas & Communication/Signal Processing & Prototypes/Testbeds (Duke Energy Hall C/D)
Discussion leaders: Jim Buckwalter (UCSB), Kate Remley (NIST), Rui Ma (Mitsubishi Electric), Mark Rodwell (UCSB), Dave Matolak (U. South Carolina) slides
Research problems to be addressed at the intersection of hardware and antenna design and communication and signal processing techniques, including development of prototypes and testbeds. Build on the discussions from previous workshops as part of the Technology Roadmap;
B. CSP-NET Interface: Communication and Signal Processing & Networking (Teaching and Visualization Lab)
Discussion Leaders: Marco Mezzavilla (NYU), Ismail Guvenc (NCSU), Kim Mahler (Fraunhofer HHI), Michele Polese (U. Padova), Tanguy Ropitault (NIST), Jing Zhu (Intel)
Research problems to be addressed at the intersection of communication and signal processing and networking techniques; including the role of channel models and testbeds. In particular, the role of accurate physical layer and channel models in end-to-end network simulations (using the ns-3 platform, e.g.). Builds on the issues and challenges identified in the previous workshops;
C. Development of Cost-Effective Community Testbeds for Research and Experimentation (Creativity Studio)
Discussion leaders: Brian Floyd (NCSU), Dan Baker (NI), Kira Theuer (NI), Manu Gosain (Northeastern, PAWR PPO), Arjuna Madanayake (FIU) slides
Discussion of the feasible pathways for developing flexible and cost-effective testbeds to enable research and experimentation in mmWave. The testbed would: i) enable experimentation and optimization at all layers, ii) have a modular structure to swap different components (e.g, antennas, RF chains), iii) enable end-to-end experimentation in a network setting; and iv) have an intuitive graphical user interface. The objective is for the RCN community to create a roadmap of activities to generate a concrete proposal and a team of researchers to execute it. Builds on discussions from earlier workshops;; video link of the breakout session at the 4th workshop (NYU)
4:00pm-4:30pm: Coffee Break (Duke Energy Hall A/B)
4:30pm-5:30pm: Poster/Demo Session 3 (Duke Energy Hall A/B)
6:00pm: Dinner (Lonnie Poole Golf Course Dining)
Day 2: Tuesday, Jan 29, 2019
8:00am-8:30am: Registration and Breakfast (Duke Energy Hall A/B)
8:30am-9:00am: Keynote 2: Application of Heterogenous Integration to Advanced Transceivers and Millimeter Wave Phased Arrays, Dr. Timothy Hancock, DARPA Microsystems Technology Office (Duke Energy Hall C/D) slides
9:00am-10:00am: Readout from Breakout Sessions (Duke Energy Hall C/D)
CSP-NET Breakout, Community Testbed Breakout
10:00am-10:30am: Coffee Break (Energy Hall A/B)
10:30am-noon: Panel 2: Academic-Industry Collaboration for “Moonshot” mmW RCN Contributions (Duke Energy Hall C/D)
Moderators: Brian Floyd (NCSU) and Ismail Guvenc (NCSU) slides
Panelists: Carlos Cordeiro (Intel), Ozge Koymen (Qualcomm), Nada Golmie (NIST), Joonyoung Cho (Samsung)(slides), Dan Mittleman (Brown) (slides), Tim Hancock (DARPA)
Goals and Deliverables for RCN 2020 RCN 2025 (seeded by the preceding readout from breakouts)
noon-12:15pm: Closing Remarks (Duke Energy Hall C/D)
Parmesh Ramanathan, UW-Madison
12:15pm: Boxed lunch (Duke Energy Hall A/B)