The kickoff workshop will be held Dec. 7-8, 2016 on the campus of the Catholic University of America. This page contains logistical information on the workshop location, directions, registration and lodging.The workshop will consist of a full day on Dec. 7 and a half day on Dec. 8.
Address for CUA: 620 Michigan Ave., N.E. Washington, DC 20064.
The workshop location: Edward J. Pryzbyla University Center, Great Rooms A, B, and C.
Parking: Pangborn Hall Parking Ramp.
Both locations are marked in the following file with directions and CUA map:
Required Registration Link (for non-academic attendees, and academic attendees without an accepted white paper)
Note: The academic attendees with an accepted white paper are already registered and will be presenting a poster. For the non-academic attendees and academic attendees without an accepted white paper, the registration fee will cover the cost for hosting the meeting, including meals and coffee breaks; see the workshop agenda.
Recommended poster dimensions: Poster boards 30 inches x 40 inches (which can be rotated) will be provided on easels to mount your posters.
Location and Logding Information; Lodging in the DC area can be very expensive. The hotels listed in the silver spring area (links below) have the most economical rates (below $200) that are strongly recommended for reimbursed attendees. They are also conveniently located near the metro (red line) for easy transportation to the CUA campus. Some attendees have indicated that Airbnb is also offering attractive rates in the $100-$150 range. Finally, some attendees have indicated that AAA members can get additional $50 discounts!
- Double-Tree Silver Spring (near the metro)
- Courtyard Hotel Silver Spring (near the metro)
- Sheraton Silver Spring (near the metro)
Map of Catholic University of America
Important deadlines:
October 17, 2016: October 21, 2016: one-page white paper submission (Deadline extended)
October 28, 2016: notification of selection; notifications emailed
November 9, 2016: workshop registration deadline; registration information provided.
November 15, 2016: travel arrangement deadline (for reimbursed attendees)