Fourth Workshop Agenda

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Day 1: Thursday, July 12, 2018 

8:00am-8:45am: Registration and Breakfast (Makerspace Event Room)

8:45am-9am: Welcome and Opening Remarks (Makerspace Event Room)

9:00am-9:30amKeynote 1: Terabit DSL (using sub-mm waveguide modes in a copper pair), Prof. John Cioffi, Stanford and Assia, Inc. slides

9:30am-11:00am:  Panel 1: State of mmW Technology and Outlook: A View from Industry (Makerspace Event Room)

Moderator: Sundeep Rangan (NYU)

Panelists: Ozge Koymen (Qualcomm), Tommy Svensson (Chalmers), Ted Rappaport (NYU), Harish Krishnaswamy (Columbia)

Industry updates and discussion on technology advances, use cases, business models, regulations, and standardization.

Discussion topics (for this panel and beyond)

11:00am-11:30am: Coffee Break

11:30am-12:30pm: Poster/Demo Session 1

12:30pm-1:30pm: Lunch

1:30pm-2:30pm: Poster/Demo Session 2

2:30pm-4:00pm: Breakout Sessions: Research and Technology Development Roadmap 

Three Parallel Sessions

A. HW-CSP Interface: Hardware, Circuits, Antennas, Communication/Signal Processing, &  Prototypes/Testbeds  (Makerspace Foyer)

Discussion leaders: Harish Krishnaswamy (Columbia), Peter Moosbrugger (Ball Aerospace), Kate Remley (NIST)

Research problems to be addressed at the intersection of hardware and antenna design and communication and signal processing techniques. Build on the discussions from previous workshops as part of the Technology Roadmap;  

Discussion topics

B. CSP-NET Interface: Communication and Signal Processing & Networking (Roger’s Hall, 2nd Floor Room 215)

Discussion Leaders: Marco Mezzavilla (NYU), Ismail Guvenc (NCSU), Tanguy Ropitault (NIST)

Research problems to be addressed at the intersection of communication and signal processing and networking techniques; including the role of channel models and testbeds. In particular, the role of accurate physical layer and channel models in end-to-end network simulations (using the ns-3 platform, e.g.). Builds on the issues and challenges identified in the previous workshops; 

Discussion format and topics

C. Development of Cost-Effective Community Testbeds for Research and Experimentation (Makerspace Event Room); videolink

Discussion leaders: Manu Gosain (Northeastern U), Kira Theuer (NI), Hang Liu (Catholic U.), Greg Lacaille (UC-Berkeley)

Discussion of the feasible pathways for developing flexible and cost-effective testbeds to enable research and experimentation in mmWave. The testbed would: i) enable experimentation  and optimization at all layers, ii) have a modular structure to swap different components (e.g, antennas, RF chains), iii) enable end-to-end experimentation in a network setting; and iv) have an intuitive graphical user interface. The objective is for the RCN community to create a roadmap of activities for the remaining three workshops to generate a concrete proposal and a team of researchers to execute it.  Builds on discussions from earlier workshops;

4:00pm-4:30pm: Coffee Break

4:30pm-5:30pm:  Poster/Demo Session 3

6:00pm: Dinner (Cafeteria)


Day 2: Friday, July 13, 2018

8:00am-8:30am: Registration and Breakfast (Makerspace Event Room)

8:30am-9:00am: Keynote 2: CoMP and Hybrid Beamforming for 5G MMWAVE, some recent results and issues to considerProf. Ted Rappaport,  NYU Brooklyn. slides

9:00am-10:00am: Readout from Breakout Sessions (Makerspace Event Room)

10:00am-noon: Panel 2:  Academic-Industry Collaboration for “Moonshot” mmW RCN Contributions (Makerspace Event Room)

Moderators: Sundeep Rangan (NYU) and Akbar Sayeed (NSF)

Panelists: Ali Niknejad (UC-Berkeley), Ozge Koymen (Qualcomm), Michele Zorzi (U. Padova)

Goals and Deliverables for RCN 2020 and RCN 2025 (seeded by the preceding readout from breakouts)

noon-12:15pm: Closing Remarks 

12:15pm:  Boxed lunch